Bill of material
A priced bill of material for the scoped equipment only
The Bill of Material (BOM) should be complete and accurate. The items purchased must be appropriate to the site, the most inexpensive components which will meet the specification. For a project of the size in my assignments, I would use branded components.
What about warranty?
What about labour costs?
Understand the scope. For example, for an SME network, I would create a BOM including:
Cabinet & cable management (<€1k/cabinet)
Network equipment (<€10k)
UPS, PDU (<€5k)
Patch leads
An estimated price per point (c. €120+VAT) * number of points
Prefabricated fiber or (raw_fiber + pig_tails + tray + termination_cost)
I would include for Wi-Fi APs, even if not briefed.
If you are adding to an existing installation document what is already there so anyone looking at the BOM can identify omissions.
If you are doing storage at the server (vSAN/CSS) you must ensure you have at least some SSDs in each server…or all flash?
VAT in Ireland is 23% at present, if you leave this out, I cannot figure out the price of the equipment +/-23%!! Note that due to the Corona Virus emergency in 2020, VAT rates were temporarily adjusted. If this were a real project, this would be complicated! Adding a note “This quote is valid for 30 days” might be a good idea.
Include for labor, VAT at 13.5%
There should be enough information to check the BOM, for example, if you price a server on-line, include the pricing source. I should also be able to see how you calculated things, equations, not just values. In the current security climate, you may not be able to use hyperlinks. Never use embedded documents, they may not pass-through firewalls/security and may not render in the final document.
One last thing. It may seem expedient and cheaper to procure in the USA or UK, but this is an illusion. You must pay VAT, import duties, etc. Figuring out the correct duty is itself rocket-science! On a real project, I will not accept a quote with equipment from outside the jurisdiction of supply unless the supplier accepts all risk, and I am quoted a fixed charge! If you are working in a jurisdiction, procure from within that jurisdiction’s tariff free boundaries or hire a specialist to cost the implications. When I worked on World Bank projects in other continents, we had teams of specialists to do this. Do not source from outside the EU in my assignments and price in Euro only.
For an SME assignment, typical total costs (equipment & labor) which look realistic are <=€100k, you could go cheaper, but you will not win the business if you go much more expensive.
Structured cabling will cost:
(Cable+Sockets+Patch+Trays+Termination+Test) * the number of points.
Last updated