Group work

Many assignments on this program require group work. It is essential that you learn how to work effectively with others, in a co-operative and beneficial manner. When an orchestra plays together, it has a sound that instruments could not recreate if played individually. We call this benefit of a complex system an emergent property; that is what we are trying to achieve.

As you are aware, every time you submit work, you use a cover sheet which declares this work to be your own. We need to clearly understand the parameters which allow us to work together, but to submit separate work.

All work you submit must be your own and it must represent work that you yourself have done.

You may not share your work with anyone else. If you pass your work to another student and they copy it, neither of you will be marked.

You should not use another student’s work, if you do, neither of you will be marked.

If you are working with another student on the same equipment, you may have identical configuration files. You are only entitled to use configuration files which you have contributed to.

Acknowledge in your documentation anyone who has contributed to your work or whom you have collaborated with.

Note: under present Institute rules and guidelines, any student suspected of plagiarism will be processed through a formal disciplinary procedure. The lecturer does not have discretion.

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