
How to reference sources in your academic documents

It is important to get your citation style right and most students will become familiar with basic referencing software during the course to their programme of study. In the past, I have used Zotero and Endnote, depending on the University or research group I was doing work with. Citavi is also very good. Check the library section of the University website to see what type of software you should use and to get some basic instruction.

Faculties normally have a consistent bibliographic referencing standard and again, check the library section of the Institute website to get our current guidelines.

Harvard Referencing is an Institute standard but is a bit clunky for reports/papers.

If I am writing papers for IEEE or ACM conferences or journals, I use a more economical style. A number [X] is inserted at the point in the document where I am citing another author's work. At the end of the paper, the full reference [X] of the work is provided.

Do a quick Internet search on IEEE referencing.

For laboratory reports in this module, use the IEEE style.

Last updated